Teaching Online Safety for Early Years
OSBOX Training
Developed with teachers from Early Years settings, the OSBOX (Online Safety Box) scheme, aims to teach young children how to stay safe online.
Delegates have an exciting session carrying out a selection of the activities, discussing alternative approaches to online safety delivery and considering how it all fits into the activities you already carry out.
Consider how others feel
- Make positive choices
- Understand what to do if they feel unhappy or worried when they are online.

Activities included in the OSBOX have been mapped to the early learning goals, the Education for a Connected World framework, the Protective Behaviours programme, Ofsted guidance for Inspecting safeguarding in early years, and the Early Years inspection handbook.
Activities are intended to easily fit in with current learning, being a substitute for existing sessions rather than an extra area to cover.
All activities can be delivered as a standalone activity or as part of other activities already being carried out within the setting. Only a small amount of technology is used, but it is not essential to the scheme.
Support is also provided in the scheme for staff and parents.
The box contains readily accessible items that can be re-stocked through many retailers, including plasticine, pipe cleaners, and face masks.
Learning Outcomes
Consider different approaches to online safety messages
- Awareness of online safety issues
- Knowledge of the Framework and how it maps to EYFS ELG
- An opportunity to work through all of the suggested activities
- An awareness of the activities and some idea of suggested delivery
OSBOX was created by the Warwickshire ICT Development Service, who provide a termly newsletter to keep OSBOX owners up to date, follow the OSBOX Facebook page or Twitter @EYFSOSBOX for the latest information.
Any questions?
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Get in touch with your questions, for a quote, or just for a chat about Teaching Online Safety for Early Years!